Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chat To Text - The Next Wave in Social Media

I’m not kidding! It’s called Chat To Text and it allows you to get text messages from your friends on Facebook, Bebo, and soon MySpace (they’re working on a MySpace one now). You just put this little widget on your profile page and your friends can send you a text message, and you can reply from your cell phone.

You don’t need any fancy cell phone, any cell phone that can text will work. It’s kind of like Instant Messaging through text messaging through your Facebook/Bebo/MySpace page.

Anyway, check it out for yourself:

As you’ll see in the video, the best part is that you can make some serious cash just by spreading the word…like I am right now!

Let me know what you think - I’m excited!

Talk soon,


P.S. This is so inexpensive even students and teenagers can make money with this!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Doin' Time

We are only given 60 seconds in each minute, 60 minutes in each hour, 24 hours in each day, 365 days in each year (except leap year!), 10 years in each decade, and 100 years in each century. I won't go beyond that because it's unlikely many of us will ever see those 100 years come to pass.

What we do with that time is important, as illustrated in the story, The Traveler that I did a "book report" on. We let so many opportunities pass us by.

Read more . . .

Promise - Problem - Provision

Ever wonder why God puts us through trials? He does it for us to learn, to understand, to grow to mature action. He wants to trust us with more, but FIRST we must PROVE ourselves worthy. I'm talking about stewardship, managing well (time, money, property) what we already have.

Read more HERE


My latest & greatest, inspired by Capt. Ron on last night's Million Mind March training call.

Go to my site:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

"The Traveler's Gift" - Andy Andrews - The Beginning

Today I’m going to start you on a journey to success through a series of life principles outlined in The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews. I wanted to read this book when I first saw it, but hesitated at first because while I am always interested in books that enhance my spiritual life, I had so much already on my plate. I’m always learning something new, and my primary focus recently has been on my businesses. Needless to say, I finally got the time to read beyond the first chapter, and I was HOOKED. I even re-read it, this time aloud, to my husband, as we drove to Florida & back! And now I have several friends preparing to read the copies I’m sending to them.

EVERYONE has room for personal growth. I don’t care who you are or how long you’ve been on your life’s journey. Each of us is a work in progress, and we should all strive for perfection and be in a constant state of learning. If you stop learning, you stop REALLY thinking, then you stop growing as a person. If you want to read the story for yourself – which I recommend - go buy the book. There’s even a journal & study guide if you’d like to go that far.

The Traveler’s Gift is the story of David Ponder, a man approaching middle age who, after years in the corporate world finds himself in a situation far too many people today find themselves in. He is suddenly unemployed and wondering how he will provide for his family. Reaching a level of despair such as that of George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” David embarks on a journey in which he encounters seven well-known figures in history. Each encounter provides David with insight into his life and leaves him with bits of wisdom he can use to help create a better future for himself and others. It is a painful journey, full of self-reflection, but one that leaves him empowered and with a clear purpose and a vision of success realized.

This story touched my heart and gave me even more motivation. In each chapter of this story, and specifically each of the Seven Decisions for Success, I found myself evaluating MY past, MY decisions, and MY reactions to each situation I have been in. Some of the principles I had already begun to apply in my life, before even reading the story. Others, I never gave a thought to – until I read them. Each Decision for Success can and should be implemented in everyone’s life. There is no one who cannot use these principles to better themselves.

I'm also posting videos outlining the Seven Decisions on YouTube. Check them out, and let me know which you like better - blog or video!
